Making, using and resisting the law in european history / edited by Günther Lottes, Eero Medijainen, Jón Vidar Sigurdsson

Making, using and resisting the law in european history / edited by Günther Lottes, Eero Medijainen, Jón Vidar Sigurdsson . - Pisa : Plus Pisa university press, 2008 . - 278, [3] p. . - (Thematic work group States, legislation, institutions; 1; 3) . - 9788884925497

Poder legislativo / Poder judicial / Leis / Política / Instituições / História / Política internacional / Idade Contemporânea / Idade Média / Idade Moderna /

Europa /

L.S. 47014 H (UAb-Lisboa) - LS47014
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