From entrepreneurship potential in culture and creative industries to economic development: the situation of UK and southern European countries / José António Porfírio, Tiago Carrilho Mendes, J. Augusto Felicío [Texto policopiado]

From entrepreneurship potential in culture and creative industries to economic development: the situation of UK and southern European countries / José António Porfírio, Tiago Carrilho Mendes, J. Augusto Felicío [Texto policopiado] . - [S.l.] : Springer Publishing Company, 2018 . - p. 330-343 . - Documento apresentado para PA com a cota: L.C. 2536

Potencial empreendedor / Fatores ambientais / Auto-eficácia empreendedora / Contextos culturais / Fatores psicológicos /

L.S. 54391 GE (UAb-Lisboa) - LS54391